Financial Contracts

Drafting and negotiating contracts within the financial sector, including banks, brokerage firms, investment management companies, and managers of alternative investment funds, can be complex and resource intensive. It requires extensive knowledge, experience, and thoroughness to draft effective contracts.

This applies to both newly established and smaller financial companies, as well as established and larger financial companies. Drafting financial contracts essentially involves complying with the law, safeguarding your legal position, and achieving contractual business objectives. Our specialists can help you achieve these goals.

We assist with:

  • Negotiation and drafting of financial contracts
  • Distribution agreements for financial instruments
  • Portfolio management agreements
  • Custodial agreements
  • Investment advisory agreements
  • Derivative contracts (ISDA, GMRA)
  • Agreements concerning financial collateral

Special requirements for the financial area

Several agreements within the financial sector must meet specific requirements under financial regulations. For instance, if you are considering outsourcing an internal function in your financial company to a third party that may have better capabilities to efficiently fulfill the function than you do, you need to be aware of the special regulations for outsourcing agreements. These regulations define with whom, how, and what content such agreements can entail. Furthermore, there are various financial contracts that financial companies are required to enter according to financial regulations, such as custodial agreements in alternative investment funds.

As a newly established or smaller financial company, it can be challenging to get an overview of the contractual relationships that are legally required to be established. Even if you are familiar with the financial contracts that frame your business, it still requires a significant amount of time and knowledge to draft a good contract that meets all the requirements of the legislation. Moreover, the effort may be wasted if things do not go as expected.

Get a good start

Whether you need assistance in drafting a financial contract from scratch or if you are employed in a larger financial company and require guidance and optimization of a financial contract, our team specialized in banking and finance law is ready to help you with their many years of experience and expertise.

Our advisory services encompass both the drafting and negotiation of financial contracts, as well as specific inquiries about legal requirements. We advise both Danish and international financial companies that are about to enter a contract within the financial sector relating to Denmark and require guidance in that regard.