Polish-Danish legal matters

If your company has activities in Poland and/or Denmark, having a Danish attorney who is familiar with business, cultural and legislative differences and similarities between the two countries will be beneficial for you and your company.

Polish-Danish legal matters

Polish-Danish legal matters

We provide specialized, legal advice to both Danish and Polish companies, financial institutions and individuals on Polish-Danish legal matters – in both the Polish and Danish language.

With roots in Poland, Associate Partner, Attorney Jakub Zakrzewski has in-depth understanding of Danish-Polish relations. Jakub is fluent in Polish and has extensive experience advising both Danish and Polish clients on Polish legal matters, as well as advising Polish clients on Danish legal matters. This ensures a comprehensive approach without cultural or communication barriers or the need for document translation when analyzing the case.

In LES, we are members of the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC). Therefore, our Danish and Polish clients not only have access to our advisory network in Poland and Denmark but also benefit from a wide range of services. We can assist with e.g.:

  • Assistance with all aspects of the formation and operation of companies
  • Advice on real estate, such as buying and selling properties, construction, project development and lease-related issues
  • Handling claims in distressed businesses
  • Efficient dispute resolution
  • Commercial contracts across all areas of business law
  • Assistance in addressing other legal or commercial challenges that may arise in Poland or Denmark

If you have any questions regarding Polish-Danish relations, reach out to Associate Partner, Attorney Jakub Zakrzewski.

Comprehensive knowledge of both Danish and Polish cultures is essential when doing business together.
Jakub Zakrzewski
Associate Partner