
Watch recordings of our webinars here. We regularly host webinars on various current topics.


Watch the various webinars to learn more about what we do in LES, and get inspired to actively work with different topics in the workplace.

Disability Inclusion Webinar - June 2024

Did you know that one of four people has a disability in Europe? However, 80% of disabilities are not visible.
This is why policy makers, leading businesses and board rooms have to set the aim for disability inclusion at the workplace level. Recent data show that organizations that actively support disability inclusion are set to be the winners of tomorrow.
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Watch our co-hosted webinar with HumanKind to gain actionable steps you can take to empower your disabled colleagues, equip your organization to handle disability inclusion confidently and sensitively, and see how inclusion programs will immediately benefit your entire workforce.

Openli Community 2024 Summit: AI and Data Protection - May 2024

Watch our presentation, held together with Milestone Systems, Tradeshift, CSO, Dreamdata, Adform, and Trackunit, at the Openli Community 2024 Summit on the AI revolution and its impact on in-house legal and privacy specialists.
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Torsten Hylleberg from LES and Philippe Murison from Milestone Systems discuss AI and data security.