Stock Market Listings
Are you considering listing a company, a fund or another financial instrument? The stock exchange regulations must ensure transparency and openness, which are prerequisites for well-functioning capital markets. It obliges companies with listed financial instruments to comply with several stock exchange rules.
Why make an IPO?
There can be many reasons for making an IPO. Stock market listings can both be a means of obtaining financing, just as stock market listings can be made as part of investment funds' exit strategies. Modern technology has created new opportunities in the capital market, e.g. in the form of algorithmic trading, and there can be many benefits to be gained for those issuers who take advantage of opportunities.
However, it requires thorough and experienced advice to be prepared for capital markets. Our specialists can, among other things, advise you on:
- Takeover offers and mergers
- Stock market listings
- Compliance with authority requirements
- Due diligence
- Prospectus preparation
- Emissions and issues
- Good corporate governance
- Shareholder relations and management relations
- Regulatory matters
Our specialists advise both ordinary companies and financial companies, including banks, stockbroking companies, investment management companies and managers of alternative investment funds, etc., who wish to have their financial instruments, e.g., shares and bonds, admitted to trading on a capital market.
Our advice includes, among other things, general advice on capital markets, issuing shares and bonds, preparing a prospectus and company law matters.
We also offer advice to companies that facilitate trading on capital markets, including regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities (MTF) and organized trading facilities (OTF).
The stock market regulation is becoming increasingly technical, and operators of capital marketplaces have a great responsibility to ensure a well-functioning trading system, e.g., order processing, clearing, netting, account management, data reporting, security, emergency systems, etc. Legislation requires capital market operators to have appropriate systems, procedures and arrangements to secure the trading systems of the marketplace.
At Lund Elmer Sandager, we can e.g., help you identify risk areas of your trading platform and draw up policies to manage the risks and to design data processing and outsourcing agreements.
Contact us for a non-binding discussion about your situation and options.
Contact us

Kim Høibye

Linea R. Conforti